Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Ceramic Bracelet Will Make You Feel A Bit Delicate

The Ceramic Bracelet Will Make You Feel A Bit Delicate

A new ceramic bracelet that signals menstruation has inspired me to come up with my own inventions to bridge the gap between the sexes, writes Bryony Gordon.

I can't offer any insights on the first four counts, but regarding the latter there's been a breakthrough. A wristband has been designed to show men when women are feeling delicate, a bit breakthrough; to let them know that it is about to be that time of the month.

white and black combination cermic bangle
High-tech Ceramic bracelet polished

The ceramic bracelet –An imaginary things-  would monitor changes in body temperature and turn a different colour to warn any gentlemen in the vicinity that there may be a risk of mood swings. "It's a very taboo issue… but if you can help couples understand each other and communicate better that's got to be a good thing," explained Mr D. "This is a visual aid for men."

When I lie awake at night, I worry about all sorts of things: the latent capacity of Libyan civil society, the disputes within the Bank of England's monetary policy committee, the ethics of drinking milk from cloned animals, the impact of cuts on the NHS, why men don't understand PMT, ho ho and, indeed, ho…

Ceramic masonic magnets bracelet
Ceramic masonic magnets bracelet

Funny, because I always thought that we had already invented several "visual aids" for this – red faces, tears, a withering glance directed at grown men who snigger like schoolboys at the idea of a woman who's "had Auntie Flo to stay for the week". Still, I reckon that Mr Dorn's on to a good thing here – I mean, this might be up there with the invention of the wheel and electricity – and what woman wouldn't want to wear a black ceramic bracelet that displayed to all and sundry whether she is menstruating or not?

Only a man could come up with an idea as genius as this, mostly because women are too busy being slaves to their hormones to think of much else.

More read: black and white combination of ceramic bracelets

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